A celebration of lavender featuring stunning photographs; favourite recipes for the kitchen, pantry, and body care products; along with fascinating lore and gardening guidance from a destination lavender farm.
Lavender has long been a favourite herb with its amazing, resinous fragrance; calming qualities; and unique flavour for seasoning food. This lavishly photographed celebration of the beloved herb, written by an acclaimed lavender farmer and cooking instructor, is brimming over with inspiration and ideas for bringing the fragrance and flavour of lavender into daily life. The book profiles the most popular lavender varieties and their recommended uses, along with the history, lore, and traditional medicinal uses. More than 40 recipes showcase lavender in delicious dishes from the kitchen as well homemade craft and body products. Tips for success with lavender in the garden complete this perfect gift for every lavender lover.
ISBN: 9781635866841
Imprint: Storey
Publication Date: 30 July 2024
Dimensions: 184mm x 236mm
Weight: 610g
No. Of Pages: 176